Death, I am afraid of it.
No, I am not actually scared of death but the thereafter.
What will happen if the pronouncement after death is “Go to hell?”
What will happen if my loved ones are given the pronouncement of hell?
It is scary.
Suffering for eternity is not what death should bring!
“Do you love me?” God asks.
“Yes, I do”, is my reply.
“Then trust in me,” God tells me.
It seems like such an easy thing to do in life – Trust in God.
We may love, be hopeful, believe in who he is; pray and as He commands; But we are cautious.
We haven’t seen God, have we?
And so, we wonder – what will happen if…?
How harsh is He?
And for that, we do not give ourselves completely to God.
This affects our lives with him – we pray for forgiveness,
but think how can we forgive this?
We ask for success, but do not aim so high – just in case.
But our faith in God should be unreserved.
We should trust in the goodness, holiness and perfection of His being.
That He knows our sins, and how willing we are even in our imperfections; the wishes we have and want fulfilled.
Our daily struggles to be better and good just so we can be a little worthy of Him.
He knows.
He knows.
He knows.
I believe in the communion of saints;
The resurrection of the body;
And life everlasting.
May the souls of the faithful departed, especially our loved ones rest in peace; and may God grant them eternal rest and let His perpetual light shine upon them.
And because He knows, He may not be so harsh and death would bring incomparable joy forever and ever. Amen.