“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Life is frightening. So many choices to make, so much so that the uncertainties of the future often overwhelm us as we contemplate which way to go.
Frightening or not, the truth is that life is a series of choices, and the dilemmas we face in this life are not simple. We all struggle with decisions regarding what directions to take as we journey through life. The decisions are not easy. We are often confused and confounded as to which way to go. One thing is clear, we should always take time to reflect and consider the pros and cons of every decision we are about to make.
Oftentimes we discover that we did not make the right decision or choice even after we have thought it through and even consulted others. Therefore, regardless of the time and effort we put into making up our mind about our choices, there is still no guarantee we will get it right.
For those of us who have lived long enough to learn some of life’s lessons, we have come not to rely only on our own understanding, but to seek out the most important person we should consult – God our maker.
When we seek direction from the Lord asking, “Lord, what should I do?”, we should pay close attention to what he has to say. Once we hear which way he wants us to proceed, we should not lean our own understanding by ignoring his directions and reconstructing it to meet your own personal viewpoints and needs. This is what gets us into difficult situations. We try to turn upside down what God said and meant.
God does speak to us in clear terms. He tells us what to do. He directs and guides. We should pray for the spirit of discernment so that we can know and understand when he speaks to us and what he says.
God intervenes in our situations in an attempt to make us aware of the right direction. Unfortunately, God’s direction and words often go unheeded. If we follow God’s direction, we would avoid some of the troubles and problems we experience in this life. God does not tell us things to deny us of something. He tells us for our good.
So, Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding – do not be arrogant about your knowledge or expertise. You are not wise enough to be your own guide for the Lord knows best. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths – God is there for you and for your well-being. He will help you during difficult times, through all of the storms of life. He will help you to make the right decisions and guide you on the right path. God can be your security and help you to face any challenge!