A debonair gentleman is someone who acts in a sophisticated and appealing way, often described as STYLISH, CONFIDENT and CHARMING. These adjectives are at the very core of the debonair gentleman, defining his lifestyle and conduct. We have christened these three tenets as the “Debonair Pyramid”.
Style: There is a particular reason why style is at the top of the pyramid, and this is captured in the aphorism, “the way you dress is the way you would be addressed.” Being a debonair gentleman already connotes a type of style – sophistication. Sophistication is often associated with suits and tuxedos, but it is not limited to these alone. Sophistication in our opinion simply means looking presentable and taking pride in your daily appearance regardless of the occasion. For instance, one can wear a pair of shorts with a polo top, or an African print paired with a V-neck shirt. They all look presentable when properly paired.
Another important aspect of style that distinguishes a debonair gentleman is his attention to detail. A well-coordinated combination of fashion accessories often adds the necessary polish to an ensemble. This makes one to standout in any company.
Confidence: “Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how great you are if you can’t see it yourself?” This quote by Auliq Ice aptly defines the power of confidence in any individual’s life. It is one thing to look the part (i.e. style), but even the influence of the most sophisticated of looks is nullified by self-doubt. Confidence is an attractive quality. It is for this reason that self-confident people are often at the helm of affairs in different fields. This is because confidence builds trust and when tied with charm, it is an unstoppable force.
Charm: Charm is also an attractive quality and it is possessed by great leaders. Charm is a quality that causes someone to be very likeable. Some might believe that this quality is innate, therefore, you either have it or you don’t. Yes, this quality is innate but it can equally be learnt, and those who possess it innately may equally improve on their gift. So what does it even mean for someone to be termed charming? Charm is defined by simple gestures such as showing courtesy, rendering compliments (when due) and being polite. These acts endear a gentleman to others and create goodwill for himself.
Bringing it altogether:

Having analysed all these components of the Debonair Pyramid, how do they all come together? Style, situated at the top of the pyramid is evidently the most visible and rightly so because people interact with what they see, hence, it is the first means of attraction. This is why a Rare and Debonair Gentleman must always look presentable. This is not limited to one’s clothes, but the beard, hair and fingernails must be always groomed.
A great style game must be complemented by a self-confident demeanour. People are drawn to persons who are confident and comfortable in their skin. Please note that the key word is confidence, not arrogant or snobbish. People who are arrogant or snobbish turn people off.
Being stylish is great but some might mistake it for being vein. Similarly, one’s confidence could be mistaken for cockiness, but what corrects all misinterpretations is charisma. This is because being courteous, polite and rendering compliments assists a gentleman in endearing himself to others. It subconsciously communicates to others that despite having an immaculate appearance and beaming with confidence, you are equally humble. Humility itself births goodwill.
In essence, being debonair is not just being stylish, confident and charming, but it is a way of life, a gentleman’s code if you will. So be a SCC gentleman.
Written by: Chukwuemeka Anyiam-Osigwe a.k.a The Rare & Debonair Gentleman
Photo Credit: Maryanne Olaleye and Ken Min Leong.
Shoot Location-St-Andrews, United Kingdom and London, United Kingdom.
Graphics Design: Ikechukwu Anyiam-Osigwe