Religion, when used for ends other than a connection to God, is very dangerous. That seems to be the Nigerian example right now. That is why some motivational speakers purportedly standing on God’s altar are fleecing their flock.
What one has observed is that, as the poverty level in Nigeria rises, the so-called preachers seem to get richer, and not just that, they… seem to be displaying their wealth in ways that show how shallow our values have become. From private Universities priced out of the reach of Church members, to Private Jets whose cost could have created jobs and taken many out of poverty; yet we hail them as representatives of Jesus, sent to give us hope of a better life here and in the hereafter.
I am not sure that was how Jesus operated in his time.
- We forget that Jesus could have been born in a King’s palace but chose to be born in a manger.
- He could have been born to a man of means but chose to come to the house of a carpenter.
- He could have commercialized his miracles, but chose to give salvation and healing free.
- He could have eaten the two loaves and five fishes all by himself, but he chose to share it with the flock.
- He could have joined the money changers in the Temple but chose to fight them.
- He could have ridden a horse if he wanted, but chose to ride a donkey instead.
ARE WE DOING IT RIGHT? Our nation is at cross-roads now, we need to ask questions and seek the right answers.
God help us to remove the shackles on our necks.
Bolaji Okusaga is a strategy and brand devotee with wide experience in the Mass-Media, Marketing, Public Relations and Banking. He is also interested in Politics, Policy and Corporate Governance.