A bulging stomach when you are not pregnant can mar ones total appearance. This is because it shifts focus from your other best features to the abdominal area. Bulging stomach does not go well with outfits and it disfigures your body shape.
A healthy lifestyle and discipline is needed for a flat stomach. Yoga, one of the best ways to lose weight especially belly fats, is highly recommended.
Here are 3 Yoga poses you can do to lose belly fats fast:
*The Boat Pose: You have to lie with your face down. Then straighten and lift your legs. You should lift your body slowly, stretch your arms by forming the ‘sides’ of the boat. Hold this yoga pose for 60 seconds.
*The Seated Forward Bended Pose: Stretch your body towards your feet and breathe out. Then hug your feet with your hands and hold the position for up to a minute.
*The Revolved Side Angle Pose: Start by kneeling in a praying position. Then stand on one knee and bend it at angle 90-degree. Stretch the other leg and balance your toes. After which you move your body to the side. For better balance , face front. Hold this pose for up to 30 seconds.