In the law of attraction, physical qualities like his looks, height, complexion, physique etc count. You would find that most ladies are drawn to men that fit a certain spec. Even relationship experts advise that people should get married to people they are physically attracted to.
However, this is just many one of the things to consider. While physical attraction attributes may not be bad in itself, there are other things that make a man attractive and these include:
Does he have a heart of gold? Is he generous? How does he treat people? The less priviledged, his peers and strangers? Is he is cocky and arrogant? Kindness goes a long way in relationship. A man may have the looks of Denzel Washington. The body of Anthony Joshua and the voice of Barry White but what about his attitude and behaviour? The latter should never be overlooked.
Just as men like ladies who are confident, ladies also follow suit. A confident man even if by world’s standard may be ‘ugly’ is a big turn-on. He shows that he believes in his abilities, knows what he wants, how to get it and is undisturbed by people’s opinions. Confidence is the new sexy. Being confident means you can take care of your needs and yourself. You don’t come across as desperate and clingy. You have a positive outlook and ready for come what may.
3. Trust
The most important element in any relationship is trust. Even in business, people only work with those they trust. How much more in a love relationship? If the man is fond of telling lies, is neither here nor there, dubious and secretive, then it is clear signal. Being trustworthy is expensive and attractive, any man that has this attribute is worth it.
4. Determination
When life puts undue pressure, some men find solace in alcoholism, womanising, drugs and porn. These are not very attractive with the repercussions. But a man who has the will-power and grit to fight to the end and pursue his goals comes off as very attractive. Being the leader that he ought to be, he should be able to rise up to all challenges without making lame excuses. He knows how to build the right support to see him through. So he does not succumb to pressures.