It is one thing to be busy but it is better to be productive. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. In essence, you have to make plans to stay productive. Here are 5 bad habits to stop to increase productivity:
1. Enabling distractions
In today’s world, distractions are everywhere and technology is not making it easier. As we enjoy incredible conveniences, access to the world’s information, and near-limitless communication and connectivity opportunities, we need to know when to shut off. Try turning off your notifications while you work and keeping your phone away from your workspace.
2. Focusing on urgency over importance
They appear to be the same thing but are quite different. Think of importance as a label or category for any task or activity that is aligned with and supports a larger goal or objective. Urgent, on the other hand, is a label or category that simply indicates that an activity is time-sensitive and requires your immediate attention. When you break down your to-do list according to urgency and importance, you can better balance your time.
3. Not taking breaks
It is critical that we give ourselves breaks throughout the day. For example, a footballer that is not well rested and in good shape will experience low performance. Staring at a computer screen for long periods can cause eyestrain. Breaks allow our eyes to rest and refocus. Don’t live a sedentary lifestyle as it has serious health effects, including blood clots, heart disease, tight and painful hip flexors, lower back pain, and weight gain. Do exercise to keep your body in shape.
4. Poor diet
Your body needs the appropriate fuel to concentrate. If you are hungry and uncomfortable, it is unlikely that you will focus. Further, your brain uses energy to make decisions, work through problems, and respond to stimuli or stressors. When stressed due to your workload, your body uses more energy in an attempt to manage the production and the effects of cortisol and adrenaline. Eating the right foods is critical to productivity.
5. Multitasking
We understand that this is a skill but the human brain can only focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking really doesn’t increase productivity but instead slows us down. To be more productive, quit multitasking. because it prevents critical thinking and innovation. When we don’t focus, we make mistakes. When we make mistakes, we have to invest more time in a task to correct it.