It is not unusual for a lot of women to complain about having dry, thin and unhealthy hair. The reason is not far-fetched since they do not take enough care of their hair. You can have healthy hair with a bounce by practising a good hair routine. These are the bad habits to stop immediately:
1. Applying too many styling treatments
Other styling treatments like straightening and curling contribute to more hair loss when done frequently. When using a hair straightener or curler to style your hair, the less heat, the better. Too much heat can cause serious hair damages.
2. Applying too many chemicals
Many products contain harmful chemicals that damage the hair, which cannot be reversible. Chemicals like hydrogen peroxide and ammonia found in hair dye can cause thinning hair and hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is another harmful chemical found in shampoos that can contribute to hair loss. In hair relaxers, the primary chemical is sodium hydroxide, which can weaken the hair and cause scalp infection. So avoid overloading your hair with harsh chemical-based products. Opt for more natural and homemade products for healthy hair.
3. Wearing too tight hairstyles
You should stop styling your hair in tight ponytails, braids, knots, and buns. These hairstyles cause damaged hair. Tight hairstyles put excessive tension on the hair follicles, which can lead to hair breakage and even hair loss. This can also lead to alopecia- a condition that permanently weakens the follicles and makes it impossible for hair to grow.
4. Combing wet hair
When wet, your hair strands are more fragile and vulnerable to breakage. People often brush or comb their wet hair right after washing, without considering how harmful it is for the hair. It is best to comb your hair before washing to reduce tangling. After washing, wipe your hair with a soft towel and allow it to air dry before combing. In fact, you should comb your hair when it is slightly damp. Slightly damp hair is also easier to style.
5. Washing too frequently
If you’re sweating or using lots of products, you can wash your hair every week but if not, twice in 2 weeks is good enough. When washing, use the right shampoo for your hair type and texture. This will help add moisture, body, and beauty to your hair.