Words are powerful. They have the power to build or tear down a person. An adage says that words are like an egg broken, it cannot be formed back. This goes a long way to show the need to always say the right things.
When it comes to relationships, both partners have to be mindful of what and how they say things. It is normal to exchange emotional and loving words when the relationship is flourishing. In the heat of the arguments, it may be difficult to say nice things. This is due to the human factor. The aftermath of such arguments and quarrels threaten the relationship because the hurt ones would find it difficult to forget the insults and angry words. Here are 5 hurtful things to never say to your partner:
1. I should never have said yes to you
Bringing up your ex or previous relationship is about the worst thing you can do. It is like telling your partner that the whole of the relationship is a mistake, something you regret. The past should be where it is. Even if that isn’t true, your partner may always believe you made a wrong decision about your relationship.
2. I care less
This is you telling your partner that you couldn’t be bothered about them. This creates a feeling of abandonment in your partner and may also make them feel worthless and useless. Being in a loving relationship means always caring about your partner, no matter what. Even at your breaking point, you should not be telling your partner that you care less about them.
3. You are too dramatic ( to an angry partner)
If your partner is annoyed about something, it is because it is a big deal to them. Don’t downplay their emotions. If you feel the need to make that statement, you should probably take a few steps back and look at the situation from their side. If they are blaming you for something, patiently explain to them why they are incorrect or let them know that you are remorseful.
4. Dragging your partner in public
Dragging your partner in public is the highest form of disrespect. They do not deserve it. No matter how out of line your partner is, or how big the disagreement, learn to be discreet and respectful when calling them to order or correcting them in public.
5. I don’t have time
Your partner should be a priority. Telling them you don’t have time for them or what interests them puts them off. It makes them feel like a distraction. Pay attention to any words that may sound like you’re trying to brush your partner away. You are supposed to make them feel important in your life.