Sometimes going to natural route is the best way for healthy living. Do you know that bitter leaf juice does amazing wonders to your body system? As the name implies, bitter leaf has leaves that taste bitter. It is in its bitterness that it has amazing benefits for the body.
Some Nigerian tribes call bitter leaf ‘Ewuro’, others know it as ‘Onugbu’. There are different ways to take the bitter leaf to get most of advantages to enhance the body generally. Some people like to take its juice, others simply chop the leaves and add to meals.
Here are the amazing benefits of bitter leaf for your body system:
- Bitter leaf juice cures high blood pressure. The high potassium content in the bitter leaf is good for reducing high blood pressure.
- Bitter leaf juice cures insomnia. People who have difficulty in sleeping should drink bitter leaf juice to combat sleeplessness. The drink makes one feel rested and relaxed.
- It is good for menstrual cramps and stomach pains. Bitter leaf juice would ease stomach pain and make the person feel better.
- Bitter leaf juice solves infertility problems. Women, who wish to have children but suffer from tissue problems or cannot get pregnant easily, can consume bitter leaves water (after consulting their physician) to improve their fertility.
- People especially men stand the risk of prostrate cancer as they get older. Adding bitter leaf into your vegetable salads or drinking a glass of water with bitter leaf juice several times a day, can improve the urination and cleanse the body, removing dangerous cells and helping them renew faster.