Here’s the gist. In the world we’re in, everyone is scorned; be you Miss perfect, or Miss Not-desired. The most scorned are those who appear to be fat. Yes. They are not allowed a breathing space. Now, the tune has changed and the thin girls are also being picked on. I was engaged in a conversation and I asked the guys if they would ever date a skinny lady “lai lai, where will I hold?” that was the most hysterical response I got and most of the guys gave me same answers.
Have you ever been told that you are too skinny or just underweight? Surely, you have heard some people joke about it behind your back or you may have said that about someone. But it’s not their fault that they are scrawny. Sometimes, it’s in the genes or they are simply not eating right. If poor eating habits are the felon, the good news is that you can help yourself or that person.
The first thing you to do is step back and think about what you are consuming habitually. Are they in the pink? Does it have any nutritional value at all? If there is none, then remove it and replace these with what experts deem as nutritious.
The number of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that the body is ingesting are the three things to keep in mind when trying to eat healthy None of these come from junk food so if you want to know what the right ones are, read on further.
Protein is what the body uses to produce hormones; body chemicals and helps repair damaged tissue. You can find this in meat, poultry and vegetables.
Carbohydrates can be compared to gasoline as this is what gives us energy. Without it, the body will have to find a new source of energy by tapping into fats and proteins that will not help you gain weight but rather lose it. You get carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Fat is also needed and the healthiest around is omega 3 fatty acids because this is not produced by the body. You can get this from eating fish and other marine life. It has also been found in nuts and certain vegetables.
Now that you know what the three important essentials are, it is time to make a plan. A dietitian can help in the beginning but one thing you have to learn is how to monitor the number of calories you take in from these products. By calculating how much you need daily and then distributing this during the different meals of the day, you are able to practice good nutrition.
Also, instead of eating three full meals a day, it is better to divide it into 5 or 6 smaller meals so you never feel overstuffed. Each one should consist of a main dish with 2 or 3 side orders consisting of different vegetables.
Still with me? I’m happy you’ve made it this far
Enough about food; now is time to talk about proper exercise. The type of exercise program for you depends on your physical condition which is why you have to see a doctor first who will be able to say which is safe for you to try. If you are in good shape, then you can try aerobics, cycling, jogging, running or walking. You simply have to get a good pair of shoes and do this at home or sign up in the gym. While you are there, you can also check what other anaerobic exercises similar to those mentioned can help you gain weight.
Ultimately, you or the friend you have helped will achieve their ideal weight. But you shouldn’t stop there. You must be able to sustain it by continuing your routine as you may lose weight again or gain too much making you overweight.
Is it easy? No, it will take some hard work and commitment since it’s up to you whether you still want to be underweight.