US comedian and actor, Chris Rock has made a joke out of Will Smith’ slap at the Oscars for the first time. The 57 year-old comedian made a ‘funny’ punchline during Dave Chappelle’s attack by Isaiah Lee at Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles.
Chris Rock was ushered on stage to calm the tension as security dealt with the chaos. While sharing the stage with Chappelle, Rock dropped took the microphone from Chappelle and said “Was that Will Smith?” and this was followed by thunderous laughter in the arena.
Since the viral Oscars slap, Rock has consciously avoided talking about that historic television moment. Ever since Isaiah Lee’s actions of public outrage on a comedian , it is now being called ‘The Will Smith effect.’ At attendance of the comedy show ‘Netflix is a Joke’ where high profile personalities like Elon Musk, P-Diddy and Jamie Foxx.