In my quest to live a resourceful, fulfilling and exciting life, I ended up sitting with an amazing life/leadership coach. I wanted to speak with someone who was not my boss, pastor, partner or friend. I knew what I wanted; an outside support without strings, judgment or sympathy. So a coach was it.
And no, I’m not talking about some smooth talking motivational speaker but a trained coach who has got kitbag of ideas, resources, tools, examples and experiences to enrich the lives of his clients.
I share with you some outstanding insights he tagged the mindsets of extraordinary people.
- The mindset of boldness and courage. There’s no leading your life or another’s in an extraordinary mode if you are not armed with courage to break doors and destroy boundaries. You have to learn to say NO when you have to say “NO!”
- Extraordinary people don’t try. It’s either you do it or you don’t. You don’t ‘try’ if you want to be extraordinary. Trying leads to frustration and gives room for quitting.
- They master the art of building and maintaining relationships. They know that success comes by collaborating with those they need and those who need them. They choose their collaborators based on aligned beliefs and values. They hire more intelligent people, more dynamic people and are not threatened by being around such people.
- They hold on to their magic. They are subconsciously conscious that they are co-creators, and are spiritual beings just having mere human experiences. They allow their magic to roam free above people’s heads and imaginations, therefore creating super products that amaze others.
- They are in tune with the subconscious. Extraordinary people know the language of the spirit- images; the language of the soul – feelings, and the language of the body – words. They master these languages and speak only positivity. In images, they see only positivity, in feelings, they choose positive emotions, and their words are filled with life, optimism and positivity. They know that positivity and negativity are on the same side of the coin and they consciously consistently choose only positivity.
- They think their prayers into realities. They run scenarios for their lives and practice it. They know the Universe conspires to make happen whatever you want badly, think too much about and practice its reality. By the time I got off that seat, I was thoroughly convinced that the demons in my head were more of limiting beliefs and ambiguous thoughts. When you re-set your mind, you re-set your world and universe.
I am particularly thrilled about running scenarios for my life, it is fun and intriguing. I keep acting out my future like a script from a thrilling movie. The Universe has got to hear me.
Will you try that out and give me a feedback?
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