All living things sleep. This is an essential part of life. When we sleep, the body undergoes repairs of the rigorous activities of the day. It is a known fact that sleep reduces your chances of having accidents, fight off illnesses, and decreases your risk factors for cardiovascular disease/Alzheimer’s.
Here are benefits of sleeping:
*Sleep makes you make better decisions
Whenever you don’t sleep well or get enough sleep, you find out you are always irritable or grouchy. A good night’s sleep would make you wake up alert and ready to face the day’s activities head-on.
*Sleep protects you from cardiovascular problems
A lack of sleep puts you at risk of heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias and heart failure. In a 2011 study, it was reported that lack of sleep increases a person’s risk of getting or dying from cardiovascular disease by 45%. When we sleep, the heart relaxes and pumps enough blood at a lower pressure.
*Sleep boosts immune system
The immune system is boosted by sleep. The brain clears amyloid proteins, linked to Alzheimer’s disease. through the lymphatic system during sleep.