Is your hair brittle texture to touch? Do you see stray hairs and split ends when you look in the mirror? Did you notice an itchy scalp and dandruff? If you answered yes, then you likely have dry hair and are in need of deep conditioning.
So what causes dry hair? Dry hair is caused by a lack of sebum. It is due to genetics or if your sebaceous glands are producing less oil due to age and environment. Curlier and longer hair are more likely to dry out because sebum takes time to make its way from the scalp to your ends. Moreso, lifestyle factors play a large role in dry hair. Other factors are repeated use of heated tools, such as hair dryers, curling irons, and flat irons, etc. They weaken the hair’s cuticle, leaving your strands susceptible to damage and moisture loss. Too many hair treatments, such as straightening and colouring, can also weaken the cuticle in the same way. If you overwash your hair, you are likely to have dry hair.
How to apply moisturisers to your hair?
When using a moisturizing conditioner or mask, you should work the product in the ends of your hair first, and then work your way up to the middle of your strands. You don’t need to apply moisturizer to your scalp unless it’s extremely dry. Only apply moisturizer on wet hair only as this allows your strands to properly absorb the product. While you can use some leave-in and daily conditioners each day, stick to using deeper ones once per week. Leave a hair mask or oils on your hair for up to 20 minutes for the best results. Then rinse out with cool or lukewarm water only. Never wash your hair in hot water, as this will cause more damage and dryness