Managing people is not that easy because they have different personalities, strengths. weaknesses and attitudes. In this modern time, especially with remote work at the forefront, every manager needs to step up their games. The workplace is no longer as it used to be, it is undergoing many technological changes as well as staff dynamics. In a post COVID-19 world, today’s manager can remain effective taking the following into consideration.
1.Being technologically literate
It is very essential for all managers to be tech-savvy not necessarily computer engineers. They should be aware of the broader technological landscape, and the way it impacts the workplace. This means keeping up to date with e-commerce developments, understanding which collaborative and social technologies are emerging in the market, and what the wider implications of these technologies are. That way, they stay ahead of the competition.
2. Value collective minds
Managers need not hoard information. Rather, they embrace collective intelligence by sharing as much data as possible. They ensure that their staff can engage with one another, involve them in the decision-making process, and with the data they require to do their job, on any device and in any location or time zone.
3. Be a collaborator
Instead of wearing the manager title or acting like a dictator, the manager should think win-win with his staff in mind. The dictatorial style of management was obtainable in the past. Now, modern management is focused on eliminating obstacles standing in the way of staff so that they can be successful. This is about more than just people management. It is about motivating and empowering team members. The manager should be unashamed to show vulnerability. He/She should be open and transparent. They should lead by example and allow their actions to speak louder than words.