In an ideal workplace, the relationship between boss and workers is cordial. In situations where the boss is hard or incompetent, has anger issues, shows favouritism to another worker or is just a natural bully, would you throw in the towel?
To help out, here are tips on how to get along with a difficult boss:
1.Ensure you are really dealing with a difficult boss
Before you try to fix the situation, ensure you are really dealing with a difficult boss, don’t make assumptions. Find out the reason for his/her behaviour or maybe you are just not doing what is expected of you.
2. Understand your boss’ motivation
Identifying why he/she cares and does certain things would give you an understanding of his management and leadership style.
3.Don’t let this affect your job
No matter the relationship with your boss, don’t transfer aggression or attitude or negative vibes to your coworkers and other bosses. Ensure you do your job regardless.
4. Identify likely triggers
If your boss has anger issues, identify the likely causes and do your best to avoid committing those offences.
.5 Think and work ahead
If you understand your boss management style, you should be able to predict processes. Stay proactive, anticipate and do your jobs before given to you.
6. Use couples’ therapy
When dealing with disagreement, use couples’ therapy by repeating what has been said to work through the issue. When you repeat someone pesrpective to them, you give them a chance to expatiate and feel heard.
7. Avoid future difficult bosses
When interviewing with a new company, do your research beforehand to ensure you are not getting into another situation with another difficult less-than-ideal boss.