As the year draws to a close, it is not unusual for momentum to subside. People tend to relax and plan how to enjoy the festivities. At the workplace, people thinking of taking time off to spend with family and friends. Even with the workload, they may become distracted because of the holiday season.
How you start and finish the year are important. You don’t want to end the year on a wrong note. Here’s how especially as a career professional:
1. Start planning for 2021
Don’t wait for the new year to start outlining your goals. The sooner you start working on this goals the better. Write down all your goals, both professional and personal, and determine your starting point. Planning gives you direction and purpose. It makes it easier for you to also take time off to enjoy the holidays more.
2. Bond with co-workers
Some people are engrossed with work, they don’t relate with their co-workers. They are fixed on getting the job done to get the pay cheque at the end of the day. This holiday period is a good time to bond with colleagues. They would glad to receive gifts and other kind gestures. You can also recognise them for their contributions to the organisation. Establish a cordial relationship with co-workers. You don’t have to best friends but it creates a conducive and thriving workplace.
3. Review your career path
There is need to have an honest assessment of yourself and where you are in your career. That way you can chart out and adjust your long-term career plan. Perhaps the outcome is discouraging, you may want to come up with potential solutions such as career change.