Readings: 1 kings 2:1-4; 10-12; Resp: 1 Chronicles 29; Mark 6:7-13
In the Gospel of today, Jesus sent the disciples out to preach and to heal. In sending them out, He gave them authority and some specific instructions. They were not to “over pack.” Some of us are over packers when we are travelling. We like to pack “just-in-case” things. Here, Jesus even instructed them not to pack the necessary things. They were to depend on Him and keep their eyes on the mission without being distracted. They were not to seek comfort but to seek to comfort others.
This is Jesus telling us that we don’t need much that we should depend on Him and keep our eyes on the mission. When David wanted to go into battle with Goliath, he was saddled with Saul’s weapons, which he could not bear. He had to drop them so that he could focus on God and not on himself or his weapons.
Dear friends, may we ask ourselves, are there things we have packed or we are packing in life that we do not need?
Are there extra things that we have taken that may distract us from focusing on God, our mission in life and our ultimate home, which is heaven?
I am not only thinking of material things here. Sometimes we pack negative emotions of anger, unforgiveness and bitterness because of rejection. These emotions make us very heavy and slow us down.
What if we shake off some of these negative emotions today and let go of some things that are distracting us from depending on Jesus, from being the good news, from longing for heaven?
Like David in today’s First Reading, no matter how sweet, adventurous or eventful our life may be, no matter what we have acquired, we shall one day leave it all behind. These things will become useless and we shall go with only what is useful – our souls and our deeds.
Lord Jesus, as I journey through life, help me to let go of everything that may distract me from focusing on you, from depending on you and from longing for you.
Sermon preached by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Baraka-Gukena Okami on February 3, 2022