This generation is probably the most adventurous and promiscuous.Thanks to the internet, social media and current technology gadgets, it is easy for people to feed their sexual urges with the various options available.
There are now different modes of exploring sexuality. One is by sending and receiving nudes. When messaging app ‘Snapchat’ formerly called ‘Picaboo’ was created in September 2011, it seemed as the right app to safely send nude photos. The average relationship or friendship may seemed strained if it is not devoid of sending nude photos. Nowadays, it is not out place for the other person to request for nude photos. Previously, what was unheard of, has now become acceptable.
In The Single Girl Diary Reloaded, faced with this predicament with her new lover, she sought to seek opinion of people on this latest trend to know if they are for and against it. Here are some responses she got( Please their names are fictitious):
Richard: O wa risky.
It can backfire. Apart from the *morality* issue surrounding it, there are other things..The worst case is that it may get leaked to and you don’t want that. How can it happen?1) untrustworthy receiver
2) careless receiver
3) cyber security/hacking
The outcome is always unpalatable, remember, whatever enters the internet stays on the internet.