Do people actually just stop feeling so insecure?
Do they ever stop feeling like everything in their lives they’ve tried so hard to maintain could fall apart in minutes?
Do they ever stop thinking, “what if someone better comes along?”
Do they ever stop thinking, “I could have a better body.”?
Do they ever stop wondering, “why are there people better at what I’m good at?”
Do they ever stop the comparisons?
Do they ever stop imagining the most horrible of scenarios and thinking that could happen to them?
Do they ever start to realise that the people who say they love them might actually mean it?
Do they ever start to understand that there’ll always be someone better, and that it isn’t an excuse to feel horrible about their abilities?
Do they ever start to accept that they can’t control the future?
That all they need to do is think about the present and enjoy that?
I wonder.
I wonder when people would come to terms with the fact that no one is as perfect as they might so erroneously believe.
That the people they use to set almost unrealistic standards for themselves have their own gigantic flaws too and aren’t nearly as perfect as they perceive them to be.
I wonder when people would start to accept themselves for who they really are, how they really are and what they can really do.
I’m hoping,
I’m hoping soon.
I’m hoping one day soon, we all work on ourselves in hopes of bettering ourselves for ourselves only.
Not because we desire to be better than someone else we might, because of human nature, envy.
I’m hoping one day we all learn that it is an undeniable fact that, everyone can not be the same.
I’m hoping we all begin to understand that we’re different for a reason.
We are flawed for a reason.
Not one human can be perfect and not one can be too imperfect.
I’m hoping we all can stop being insecure.
I’m hoping we can all start to have the wholesome belief that we are loved.
I’m hoping we can all learn to let go and believe when someone says they love us.
When someone proves they love us.
When someone shows they love us, without any shame.
I’m hoping we all get to the stage of our lives where the little things are just that; little things.
I’m hoping we all learn not to magnify the infinitesimal flaws we might have.
I’m hoping we all realise we’re the only one like us.
We are special.
We are unique.
I’m hoping one day we come to accept the fact that everything in life isn’t stable.
And if everything falls apart, it’s life,
But that shouldn’t break us down.
We shouldn’t embrace insecurity.
That’s when we lose.
Written by Deborah Aturu