Love is a beautiful thing. It is an action word than a mere feeling. When two people are in love, it is normal for them to have butterflies in their stomachs. While it is not a bad thing, it may cloud their judgement. They tend to see their partner as a perfect being. At this stage, marriage should not be rushed, they need to slow down and take things easy. Before signing the dotted lines and saying ‘I do’, here are some things intending couples should know:
1. Respect is reciprocal and it is more than love
There are many cases where couples choose to stay together even though the love had died long before. Sometimes to support their children until they grow up, or to attain financial security. Once you lose respect for your partner, marriage becomes a rugged terrain. You can revive lost love, but disrespect is irreparable.
2. Marriage is teamwork
It is indeed true that two heads are better than one. The Holy Book says, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labour. If either of them falls down, one can help the other”. After a few years of marriage, there is a big tendency that you both might change. At that time you need to be closer than ever to working as a team.
3. Communication
This is the lifeblood of the marriage. A break in communication can break bridges. Be intentional and deliberate when communicating with your partner. This could be as simple as calling in to check in on them or sending an ” I Love You” text. Communication is indeed necessary if you want to maintain a solid life-long relationship.
4. Show commitment
Many people claim that marriage is 50/50, but it does not work that way. Marriage is actually 100:100 because you are not reserving some of you. Marriage comes with its own challenges that can spit you. So don’t go into it thinking you can get by with giving half an effort.
5. Be financially stable
Love is not enough, you need to be financially stable to enjoy your marriage. One of the worst things you could do to your future spouse is to bring a heavy load of debt into the marriage. Worse than this would be bringing bad financial habits into your marriage. There are tons of resources available with great information to help you grasp the importance of being financially stable.