Are you a naturalista? What is your weekly hair routine like? This will tell a lot about how your hair looks and you maintain it from breaking and thinning out.
Follow these tips on how to go about a weekly hair routine:
On Saturday
- Wash Hair:
Pre-Poo – moisturize your hair with a hair butter or oil before washing. This is not a compulsory step. Follow this with a shampoo, a conditioner and a deep condition (with or without a heating cap). - Twist /Braid Hair: Now, this is totally dependent on what kind of style you’re going for. If you have plans to wear a wig during the week, weaving your hair into sections shouldn’t take time. However, if you’re leaving your hair out, then you will want to take your time and ensure your hair is neat.
On Sunday
- Rock your pretty hairstyle -with or withou a wig.
On Monday
- Spray: Wet your twists/braids with water or a water-based leave-in conditioner to keep your hair moisturized.
- Oil your Scalp:
- Redo Hairstyle: This is optional depending on the hairstyle you’ve been rocking. If you decided on twists, you might not need to touch it up too much. But hairstyles like buns will need to be touched up significantly or redone.
On Tuesday
- Do the same thing as Monday, although you may skip oiling your scalp.
On Wednesday
- Switch up the hairstyle a bit if you’re feeling a bit bored and you have the time to spare. If not, rock your hairstyle, touch up when and where necessary.
On Thursday
- Repeat the same steps as Monday.
On Friday
- Loosen those beautiful twists/braids, or whatever style you may have done. Do a little scalp massage with some heated oil and put your hair into braids in preparation for Saturday’s wash day.
On Saturday
- Repeat steps! This routine will leave your hair thanking you. A happy hair leads to hair growth.