Looking at the elderly, one would not believe they were once suckling babies. Life is in stages and everybody goes through them. As we celebrate World Children’s Day, I think of fond childhood memories. Some nice, others not too nice. Thankful that it wasn’t taken from me, my childhood has helped shape the person I am becoming.
Innocence is the mark of childhood. A child has nothing to worry about because they are confident of the backing of their caregivers. In recent times, so much has changed. Children are more aware or should we say ‘woke?’. A precocious 3-year-old can operate an iPad and do other things that the average adult may still be struggling with, in this technological age. Technology has simplified lifestyle.
These children belong to the ‘indomine‘ generation because everything seems to happen in the fast lane for them. As a child, there was no hurry in life. Why parents are so much in a rush for their children to finish primary school in basic 4 leaves me wondering? Though I did the Common Entrance in Primary 5, I still went ahead to do Primary 6 . I entered Secondary school at a ripe age.
Now, there is so much haste for children to grow up fast, gain admission to the university, and settle down is uncalled for. Children should be allowed to be children. Some parents go as far as dressing them like adults with all the makeup, hairstyles, and outfits.
I recall that the upbringing of children was a communal effort. Everyone in the community had a role to play. Unlike now that some parents are overprotective of their children that no outsider can be involved. This may stem from the level of moral decadence in the society. Times have changed with heightened evil lurking around. Children, who are vulnerable fall prey to sexual predators. The rate of child abuse is alarming. At such a tender age, they lose their innocence and their lives are changed forever. In a country where the security of lives is not a priority, children stand at risk. Many children have been victims of kidnapping, all forms of abuse, modern slavery, and all societal vices.
Children should be given a healthy and loving environment to thrive and blossom. Just like any business venture, children are like investments that yield returns. It is what we give them that they give us. They learn by what they observe and see their parents do and not what they say. If we want to have a better society, it starts with how we groom children.
Children are the hope for the future. In a country like Nigeria, one may lean back and take a critical look at that line of thought. Judging from the recycling of leaders, it is uncertain if children- ‘the leaders of tomorrow’ would be ever given that chance. Notwithstanding, children bring the hope of a bright rewarding future. The Holy book says that children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. It goes to show how children make the world a better place. They are seeds, that yield bountiful harvests. No wonder happy is a home whose quiver is full of them.