Yesterday was World’s Mental Health day. We live in a world where there are many things that bring one down. They are stress triggers. In their entirety, they are not bad because we all need some measures of stress to maintain sanity. To maintain your sanity, try the following tips:
1. Know yourself
Learn to embrace change as you grow, it is the only constant thing in life. Note that you cannot know yourself in a day, it is continuous.
2. Be good to others, not nice
When you are nice, the tendencies of people taking advantage of you is high. Once you are nice to people you find yourself not being able to stop it or control it. This goes on until you cannot handle it, then you break down.
3. Know when to say ‘no’
Learn to say “no” when you realise that the tasks given to you are overwhelming and stand on your ground on it. Your superior should know when a task is getting out of hand.