A lady and her handbag are inseparable. The handbag is not just a fashion item, it houses several things the woman needs on the go like her phone, makeup kit, tissue, diary etc. For the ride or die chic, she is more concerned about brand names and elegance. These are the 5 mini bags for ladies in this category that are more about class and making fashion statements.
1. Dior lady tote
The Dior tote comes in many colours, and it is functional. You can put your purse, your money and your lipgloss in the bag.
2. Jacquemus mini bag
The Jacquemus mini bag is a triangle-shaped bag that adds a little spice to your look.
3. Balenciaga Neo Classic
This is a show stopper anytime anyday. It is petite and classic to add finishing touches to a lady’s dressing.
4. Karl Lagerfield
This bag screams class, elegance and charisma. If you are for any of the mentioned, then it is for you.
5. Chanel purse
If you do not have a Chanel purse, then what kind of bags do you even have? Every woman should have at least three versions of the Chanel purse.