Truth be told, a job search is serious work. It is a job on its own requiring the same energy while on the job itself. Different organisations have their interview procedures. Now that the nature of work has been disrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual interviews are conducted with potential employees.
Normally, when applying for a job, it required you tailor your skills and qualifications to meet the job requirements. A well-crafted cover letter highlighting how your background and experience translates in the new role is needed. The entire process can be draining especially if you are yet to nail a job. It is easy to become depressed at this state.
In order to manage the situation well and meet your career goals, you should consider doing the following while the job search is still on:
1. Exercise
When you are not applying for jobs, use your free time for yourself. Keep body and soul together. Engage in physical activities that would increase your motivation level and beat stress. Daily exercising would keep you fit and sound. Employers look out for employees who take care of themselves rather than those that look like the world has ended.
2. Read
Reading opens your mind to new experiences and new perspectives. You also get to improve in your vocabulary. As you know, knowledge is power. There is also another saying that ‘readers are leaders’. You can pick a book of a different genre that you have never read.
3. Networking
Your network is your networth. You should attend networking events to meet likeminded people in similar industry. Make yourself visible and memorable so that when there is an opening or opportunity, the contacts you established can give referrals and recommendations.
4. Visit family and friends
When your job search is yielding no result, you may start doubting in your abilities and worth. Having a good support system who are your biggest cheerleaders can push you to still pursue your career ambition. Use the period of your job search to strengthen your bonds with family and friends.
5. Learn a new skill
Don’t seat back and wait for the next big break. Garner more skills in the area of your specialisation by getting certified and taking classes. Employers seek employees who have horned their skills. If there is a career gap on your resume, you can fill it up with the new skills, nobody would question you for maximising your time wisely.
Written by Patricia Uyeh