A honeymoon is a vacation. It is a period of time spent together by newly-married couples following their wedding ceremony. After all the noise, the sermons, and the mental and emotional stress newlyweds face, a honeymoon provides the perfect opportunity to enjoy some privacy and set their marriage on the right footing.
Those first few days together set the tone for the rest of your time together as a couple, so be mindful and deliberate about your honeymoon. Here are 5 tips to make you have a spectacular honeymoon:
- Book a couple massage
This is highly recommended. It is the best way to relieve all the stress and tension that must have accumulated over the course of time that the wedding was planned and conducted. A good massage will restore your physical and mental energy, and ensure you are in the perfect mood for the rest of the vacation.
2. Go on an adventure
An adventure represents the first uncertain steps that you will take together as a couple. Experts consider it extremely important because the experience that adventure brings pushes you out of your comfort zone, teaches you to trust and rely on your partner, drives your heart rate up, causes your brain to release endorphin and generally elevates your mood and senses.
3. Go nightclubbing
No matter where you have chosen as your honeymoon destination, nightclubbing is an exciting activity. What better way to turn on the heat than to storm a club with a wild party crowd, get a drink or two, get up close to your partner, drop your inhibitions and – for once in a long time – let your hair down!
4. Disconnect from the outside world
This may be quite difficult to do, but if you truly want to enjoy your time together, you have to switch off completely. The point of the honeymoon is lost if emails, calls, and social media intrusion. If you have to check your emails or social media, then promise yourselves to only do it once in a day.
5. Explore your sexual preference
This is probably the best worst or best sex advice ever, but understanding your partner’s sexual preferences is necessary. Go ahead and discuss all your fantasies, fetishes and desires with your partner before it could get hot later.