Kechi Okwuchi, a 31-year-old Nigerian-American singer and burn survivor who was one of two survivors of the Sosoliso Airlines Flight 1145 accident, acknowledges that transformation and growth do not come quickly.
She revealed this on Tuesday, July 20, when she turned to social media to discuss her 14-year recovery experience. She had third-degree burns on more than 65 percent of her body and had over a hundred reconstructive operations.
She expressed gratitude to God for being alive to watch her development, sharing a photo from 2007, a year after the terrifying incident, and a fresh one was taken today, Tuesday, July 20, 2021.
She shared:
“(Wonder if I should tag this as sensitive content…?)
“I stumbled upon the picture on the left on my laptop a couple of months ago, and I have been contemplating this post since then. I remember I stared at it for a long time that day. Time makes me forget just how extensive my burn injuries were, and how devastating the effects were to my body. I realize this may shock some of you too. The pic on the left was taken a good year after the plane crash and by then, intense scar tissue had formed, especially on my face.
“I took the picture on the right a few mins ago and made these before/afters, and I marvel at how far God has brought me. I am the result of the hard work of multiple surgeons He brought into my life, nurses, physiotherapists, and love and care from my family, my mom especially. This is what progress looks like, guys. 2 pictures, 14 years apart. I’m grateful that I lived long enough to see it. I decided to make this post so that you guys can marvel at God with me.
“I want someone who reads this to see that true progress, genuine growth, and lasting change cannot happen overnight. Most of the time during the journey, maybe like me, you won’t notice changes because day by day they’re too minuscule to make a difference. But if you give yourself a fighting chance, if you find the right kind of support on your journey, one day, definitely one day which right now may seem so far away, you will look back like I did this morning and hopefully…you will smile☺️ I heard this in a song and it stuck with me: The night will definitely come. But so will the morning?
“I never post things like this arbitrarily. As always, please be encouraged. #survivor #burnsurvivor #inspiration #encouragement #beautyinscars Special s/o to @shrinerstexas @dr.petergrossman @drandrewfrankel @artistsfortrauma, Milpark Hospital, South Africa and Shell Hospital PH, Nigeria, for sewing into my burn recovery journey??”