Mohammed Fawehinmi, the first son of the late human rights lawyer Chief Gani Fawehinmi, has passed away. Mohammed was said to have died on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, after complaining of breathing difficulties. The death of the lawyer was confirmed on Instagram by Festus Keyamo, the Minister of State for Labour and Employment.
He wrote: “My brother, friend and son of my late boss, Mohammed Fawehinmi, is gone. I am speechless and heartbroken. I just spoke with the eldest daughter Basirat and she confirmed it. Mohammed was energetic and very intellectually alert, despite his mishap. He kept the flame of his father burning. We will sorely miss him”.
In 2003, the deceased had an accident that affected his spinal cord and confined him to a wheelchair.
Mohammed had a law degree from the University of Buckingham, England and was called to the Nigerian bar in 1998.