Relationships work better when you understand your partner’s love language. In his book, Dr Chapman, through 30 years of experience, arrives at the conclusion that the 5 love languages make us understand and serve our partners better. While all 5 languages are great, there is always a predominant one of your partner and that should be the focus.
Let us dive into love languages:
1. Physical touch
Partners like this are very sensitive to touch. They are always willing to cuddle, hug, kiss, and generally just continuously be in physical contact with your body. Don’t physically neglect and abuse your partner as they would feel it.
2. Words of affirmation
If your partner’s love language is words of affirmations, they would love to hear you compliment them regularly, send notes or cards telling them how strong, beautiful, pretty and amazing they are, and generally just gassing them up. If you must criticize them, it should be in a gentle manner because they take words and how they said seriously.
3. Quality time
This kind of partner loves to spend time with you. They always crave your attention. They have the need to always be around you at every opportunity they get. They just want to have face-to-face conversations with you, spend time alone with you, go on long walks, trips and vacations and basically just get to do things together with you. They function well in long-distance relationships and are not really happy if their partner spends more time with friends than with them.
4. Getting gifts
While everyone loves gifts, this partner’s desire is extra. So whether there is a special occasion or it is just another random day, gifts make them so happy. Do not make the mistake of forgetting special days such as anniversaries and birthdays. They would get hurt.
5. Acts of service
This partner will love you deeper if you do stuff for them. Helping out with chores, repairs and maintenance as well as other acts of kindness gets to them a lot and will always charm them. Selfishness and ignoring their requests no matter how little is a no-no.