The rural woman form an integral part of the society. Studies show that in Nigeria rural areas remain highly underdeveloped based on several indicators such as abject poverty, low access to quality education, lack of infrastructure and poor human development contributing to the worsening status of rural women.
There is huge disparity between what is obtainable in the rural areas compared to urban areas. Women in rural areas are primarily involved in agriculture. Through small scale farming, they have been able to support their families and generate income for other livelihood pursuits. Rural women also face household tasks that includes fetching of water, collecting firewood, child care and upbringing, family welfare, food processing, tie and dye and others.
The average rural woman still lives primitively. As she engages in farming, she relies on traditional methods to carry out her functions. With no access to modern technology, most of them don’t have access to mobile devices talk less of knowledge of the use of the internet. When women are not empowered, they act in ignorance and thereby sabotage the destiny of their offspring.
Other threats to rural women livelihood is climate change. Extreme weather conditions has adversely affected farming seasons. Flooding and the release of poisonous gases contribute to contaminate the environment making it uncultivable.
Going forward, life can be much better for rural women if they are well-informed and educated. Apart granting them agricultural subsidies, they should have informal and formal training in different skills. It is said that when you educate a woman, you educate a nation. It is only an educated woman that would do same for her children especially daughters. This boils down to women empowerment. Instead of taking the backseat, rural women can participate in all spheres of activities. Their voices can be heard and included in decision making processes. They need financial independence. Most of them are still overdependent on their husbands.
While striving to make rural area enticing for the youths and women, there should be provision for adequate power supply. Water scarcity should be tackled with the establishment of dams and irrigation practices should enforced to sustain agricultural activities. Rural women need not go to the city to receive medical care if it is provided for them. The government, corporate bodies and private organisations or individuals should provide accessible and affordable health care facilities for them.
An empowered rural woman is an asset to her community. She can only thrive when the structures are put in place. She is vital part of the system and plays an important role in economic development.
Written by Patricia Uyeh