A Lagos landlord who could not resist the temptation of pocketing N3.6 million for a mini-flat flat that he did not have to sell, is currently having his day in court.
Giwa Alarape Fatai of 5E, Ogunmola Close, Surulere has been asked to justify himself before the Ebute-Metta Chief Magistrate’s court, why took N3.6million off a prospective tenant under false pretence.
Fatai (61) is facing a four-count charge including conspiracy, obtaining money under false pretences and stealing.
Prosecuting Police Inspector Mr. Richard Odigie, told the court that Fatai fraudulently obtained N3, 600,000, from one Olaoye Yakubu, under the pretence of selling a mini-flat at Ogunmola Close to him between April 10, 2010 and March 8, 2013.
The prosecutor also said that the defendant withdrew N150, 000, from the complainant’s Zenith Bank account under the pretense of vacating the apartment when he had no intention of doing so, thereby committing an offence punishable under section 312 and 289 under the criminal laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2011.
Fatai, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge against him, following which Magistrate E.B. Daudu granted him bail, in the sum of N1 million, with two responsible sureties in like sum and adjourned the case to October 13 for mention.