Do you believe in good luck? Good luck is when you had a turbulent, poor, dirty, upbringing and you eventually become the leader of your village, good luck is when your boss makes you Head of Operations ahead other qualified colleagues, good luck is when your dad is able to pay for the 3 of you through Yale University. Good luck is when you get the job at the multinational company, the one everyone is eyeing, good luck is when your marriage is working and your boo is all over you all the time, good luck is when your kids are the smartest and cutest in class…good luck is enviable. Everyone wants a piece of good luck.
To say I believe or do not believe in good luck is a topic for another discussion, I believe life is a series of probability, and probability is the measure of the likeness that an event would occur. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, luck is more of a chance happening, a chance that something good may happen. Maybe we can all be lucky, maybe not but while we wait for luck, time and chance, we should not forget that we can increase our probabilities of being lucky.
Good luck comes to those who are prepared for it- those who have given their time to self development. ‘Que sera sera’ is not totally true; whatever will be will be provided you do whatever you are meant to do. If you are not acquiring skills, improving your life and meeting new people- good luck isn’t your problem – tackle that.
Good luck comes to those who are self-disciplined. Those who do what they are meant to do not what they feel like doing, those who follow through their project even when the enthusiasm has run out, those who drag their body out of bed, whether the body agrees to it or not. Good luck comes to those who can project and plan fortomorrow. Tomorrow comes before you blink, and then those who ‘waited’ for it are stranded.
I also think luck comes to people who are not robots. I mean, people whose lives are not routine, if you have done something consistently for years and you are ‘unlucky’ day in and out, change routines. Find another route to work; you’ll meet a new set of people. Eat in another restaurant, change your accommodation; move to a new neighbourhood. Strike up conversations with a stranger, don’t always hang out with your friends, just do something different- change your perfume, deodorants, smell different, in fact change your bathing soap (smiles).
I think our thoughts and behaviours are responsible for our luck fortune- if one has had a poor upbringing and decides to stay in school no matter how difficult, or learn a skill and shun vices, one may eventually become a success. Deciding to have just the number of children your finances can afford the best for, means the children would be lucky- you have created their luck. Life is a series of probability, one action or inaction is a determinant of another event- similar to a ripple effect.
Our lives are ours! Men who take responsibility for their lives shine brighter than others.
I found this, it was written by a Psychologist who thinks being lucky is a skill that can be learned. I agree, read here.