As of 2016, there were 163 million women worldwide delving into entrepreneurship. Since then, there has been exponential growth in the number of women entrepreneurs. Asking successful female entrepreneurs to share their career stories, they shared the challenges they have faced and their top tips for achieving entrepreneurial success. See below:
1. Follow your passion
It’s so important to have passion and to love what you do. Without that drive and determination, you will struggle to put all of your time and energy into something when starting out.
2. Seize every opportunity that comes your way
Nowadays, women entrepreneurs have access to a lot of opportunities, it is up to them to make use of them to realize their hopes and ambitions. When you are given something, what you make of it is what renders you unique from another. Some people take these opportunities and create something larger.
3. Spend your time wisely
Everyone has 24 hours daily. Women entrepreneurs need to do everything they can and speak to everyone they can to get their businesses going. You learn to value your time more, and not waste any of it on meeting with people who don’t get you or your business, or people who need to be convinced that they need you.
4. Mistake is part of growing
Remember that it is okay to make a mistake. You should recognise that mistakes are a part of human nature and that we learn as we stumble. Everyone makes mistakes; they just need to learn from them. Just because something didn’t go right the first time doesn’t mean you’re not worthy, or that you don’t deserve the opportunities that are coming your way. Nothing will ever be perfect; so, we need to actively learn from stumbling blocks, and learn to let go.
5. Uphold your values
You can learn to overcome the feeling of frustration that is associated with that preconceived notion by simply taking everything with a grain of salt. Try to look ahead, so that you would not dwell on certain thoughts and events. Enjoy the process as you stay true to your values. Keep being honourable, even when you are in the face of temptation.
6. Celebrate your victories
Whether big or small, celebrate your victories. Be your own biggest cheerleader. There is nothing wrong with bragging about what you do, and being proud of what you bring to the table- that’s what will end up attracting people to support you in your endeavours. Remember it is not bragging if it is based on facts. People want to be associated with the entrepreneurial journey of somebody who made it from scratch.