Daily we are exposed to all forms of pollutants. Even the pattern of lifestyle allows the build-up of foreign bodies in the body. Staying healthy and safe requires exercising, good nutrition and regular detoxification.
Speaking of detoxification, this is the removal of toxic substances from the body. It is a needed body ‘ritual’ to stay healthy. There are several benefits of detoxification. This includes better immunity, shinier hair, weight loss and management, nice breath, clear skin and improved thinking.
You can naturally detox your body with these tips:

- Drinking warm water with lemon juice. For best results, add grated ginger and take these on an empty stomach to improve digestion and metabolism.

2. Instead of caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea, drink green tea. This is good for weight loss and it also aids digestion.

3. Avoid packaged fruit juices because they are high on preservatives, flavour enhancers, colouring agents and processed sugar. These ingredients have negative impact on your overall health. Detoxify your body with fresh fruit juices, which are loaded with essential fibres for digestion.

4. About 60% of the body is made of water. It needs to produce saliva, helps with perspiration, and remove waste. Drinking enough water in a day; approximately 8-10 glasses would keep you hydrated always.

5. You can include probiotics such as yoghurt in your daily diet. Yoghurt contains good bacteria that helps ease digestive issues and cleanses your digestive tract.

6. Aside from the body, you need to detoxify the mind as well. This is where a good night’s sleep comes in. Sleeping well helps the brain flush out toxins.