Readings: Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68; John 17:11-19
Paul was in Miletus, on his way to Jerusalem, not knowing what would happen to him in Jerusalem. He decided to call the elders of the Church in Ephesus together. He reminded them of his sacrificial labour amongst them and he admonished them to imitate his example as they shepherded the flock.
I am particularly thrilled by the admonition of Paul that the elders should watch over the flock that God had entrusted to them because fierce wolves would come from within and without and would try to devour the sheep.
Dear friends, let us also watch over what the Lord has entrusted to us. Let us not think too far away. Let us begin by looking within, by looking at the faculties that God has entrusted to us.
Let us watch over our senses, so that they don’t become an opening for sin.
Let us watch over and take care of the body that the Lord gave to us.
Let us watch over our minds so that they are not corrupted by negativity, deception, doubts and sinful thoughts. Let us watch over our hearts so that pride, lust, fear, hatred and bitterness do not stain them.
As we work to make ends meet and to pay bills, let us also not forget that we have a soul to save, a soul that God has entrusted to us.
Even in today’s Gospel, Jesus reports to the Father that He has also watched over all that the Father has entrusted to Him and He has not allowed anyone to be lost, except the one who chose to be lost. The Gospel ended with Jesus consecrating us in truth. Let us also consecrate to the Lord everything that has been entrusted to us – beginning with our senses, our faculties of thinking, processing and reasoning, our seat of affection, emotion and decision and our spiritual faculty.
Sermon preached by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Baraka-Gukena Okami on June 1, 2022.