She descended from the sixth floor with a rucksack of shattered dreams in her heart to meet death with her spirit pointing South she crumbled like an ostrich bones crashing blood spilling fears scattered and braam screaming a beautiful flower wilting.
She could no longer read through the pages of depression the candles of her dreams burnt out she just left everything behind all the terrors of this life heavy family hopes & the lecture halls that refused to embrace her name.
Zama Madinana is a South African poet based in Johannesburg. His work has appeared in Stanzas, Botsotso, Carapace, Poetry Potion, The Thinker, Sunday World, New Coin and other literary publications. His work focuses mainly on love, politics and social issues. In 2021, he won the third prize of Sol Plaatje EU Poetry Award. He is the author of a poetry chapbook Water & Lights.