Advent and Christmas Q & A
What happened to the man who stole an Advent Calendar?
He got 25 days!
What carol is heard in the desert?
O camel ye faithful!
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
It’s Christmas, Eve!
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Sunday Quote.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Switzerland to see what the army does with those wee red knives.”– Billy Connolly
Actual Announcement from Church Bulletin
The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer.
Congregation of pigs
When Pastor Johnson moved to town, the local community service club honored him at a dinner. To have some fun, members tinkered with his name badge, listing his “Hog Caller” as his occupation.
Everyone snickered as the badge was presented amid fanfare.
Pastor Johnson just smiled. “I usually am called the “Shepherd of the sheep,” he said, “but I guess you know your people better than I do.”
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