Before the invention of phones, letter writing was a popular way of communication. It came with its own disadvantages. A major issue was the barrier of distance. It could take days before the letter gets to the intended recipient but it was fun always constructing the letters.
It was actually my first shot of learning how to write. Subjects like composition made me enjoy writing. Then my class teacher would give assignments. On the blackboard, she would write on the blackboard-‘ Write a letter to your Uncle abroad asking about his welfare’. It was tasks like that they developed ones intelligent quotient.
Fast forward to the present. There is no longer the barrier of distance. Anybody you want to reach is just a phone call away. There was the option of text messages. And then blackberry messaging became the order of the day before it gave way to other modes of communication. Now, you can even chat the person up on social media. Is it Whatspp? Skype? Facebook Messenger? The list is many.
As usual every Thursday, we go dive into the past. let’s take a look at the modes of communication then. The old phones we used to use before now. Check to see if you are familiar with any:
Rotary telephone
Nokia 6110Blackberry
Siemens S10