Following the drama that ensued, Judy Austin Moghalu, second wife to Nollywood actor Yul Edochie, has come out to tell her side of the story. The actress hinted at this in an Instagram Live, noting that she was surprised that many people loved her.
According to her, she had received several warm messages from fans globally. Speaking on the story that brought her to the limelight, the actress said she’s contemplating telling her side of the story.
“There’s this saying that there is no smoke without fire, and it takes two to tango, but most times in Nigeria, we don’t have that kind of patience to hear…” she said.
Edochie announced his marriage to Nollywood actress Judy Austin Moghalu on Wednesday, April 27, sharing a photo of their son.
“It’s time for the world to meet my son. His name is STAR DIKE MUNACHIMSO YUL-EDOCHIE. Born by my second wife @judyaustin1 And I love him so much, just as much as I love my other children,” he captioned the photo.
His announcement shocked many Nigerians as the actor is well known for his regular posts about his commitment to his wife and how she has stood by him.
Just hours after unveiling his new family, the actor celebrated his first wife on Instagram by sharing a photo of her.
He wrote, “NUMBER ONE. ❤️❤️❤️ @mayyuledochieUndisputed.”
After trending for days after his revelation, the actor took to Instagram to solicit the support of Nigerians for his political ambition, noting that they should devout the same energy to actualise his political dream.