My dear daughter,
I really am at a loss at the right words to express my astonishment at the pace of developments in all spheres in this 21st century. Life today is both amazing and challenging. We often hear the term ‘the knowledge age’ – there are lots of books and websites that will teach you how to do everything from making a bomb to doing your makeup. Everywhere you turn, useful and useless advice abound.
Born in the middle of the last century, I am truly fascinated by today’s fast-paced and information overloaded age. Based on my upbringing and values, I am able to some extent to sift the wheat from the chaff – separating what I think is right from those I consider to be wrong. But my dear, it is different for your age. Since you were a baby, your mum and I have constantly tried to inculcate what we think are the right values in life in you. But we are not the only influences impacting on you. So many wrong values are sold and promoted via all forms of media and the people you meet. And with the Internet, and social media these influences have multiplied and are easily accessible to you. My dear girl, do not do things because it is promoted as “where it’s at”. Don’t do things because everyone else is doing them and don’t feel like you have to conform unless you choose to.
Is there a right way to do things? Yes. Is there a correct way to do things? Yes. However, there are many ways to go about doing whatever is the right thing to do. Be creative so as to keep your enthusiasm about life – don’t just do things the “right” way.
Pursue knowledge. Find the best way to do something, and think out of the box to execute it. Rules are meant to be broken. Do it your own way.