By Winsome Duncan
“A setback is preparing for your ultimate comeback”
No one likes to deal with rejection. It leaves a sour taste in our mouths. Rejection is a part of life and gives you an opportunity to learn where you can improve. I am a firm believer if something is meant for you, no matter what the circumstances you will get it.
In business I have faced many ‘no’s’ and what makes it worse is that I use to take it personally. My Business Mentor has spent many months telling me to grow a thicker skin, in the end I took her advice. I had to quickly learn this and it has worked to my benefit. When people would say my services are not required, I do not take offense and remind myself it is just business. Once you have faith and a belief that you will succeed no matter what. That is the only conviction you need. The following are my suggestions for handling with rejections:
1. Do Not Take It Personal
You never got chosen for the interview you want, so what? It is not personal, there was someone better or they hired all their friends. Take it easy, there are plenty other opportunities out there for you.
2. Learn To Improve On Your Weak Area’s
If there are area’s where you need to increase your knowledge then go out and get the information you need. Be so good that they cannot ignore.
3. Never Give Up
The feeling of rejection is never a nice. Feel your feelings for a day and then move on. Keep on keeping on and never ever give up.
1 Comment
Excellent articles Winsome. Keep inspiring your readers.