My dear daughter,
Recently, I attended the funeral of a dear friend, and something the officiating priest said hit home. So I decided to share it with you.
He said, “The man we have come to pay our last respect to lies here today as a result of his choices in life. In his honour, we here, present, are the product of a few of those choices. We are here because of how he related with us, individually, and the feelings borne out of this relationship. So it can also be said that the choices we’ve made or make continue to have lasting effects even after we pass on.”
My dear girl, this is true. Life is all about choices, so choose wisely. If your life is going well, it’s because of your choices; if your life is a mess, it’s also a result of your choices.
Have you chosen to complain rather than express gratitude? Have you chosen to blame others, and not take responsibility for your actions? Are you stuck in the past instead of looking at future possibilities? Do you feel victimized instead of rising above every problem? Are you insecure instead of being bold? Do you choose anger and hatred rather than expressing love? Are you ignoring good advice instead of giving heed to wisdom? Are you given up instead of holding on? It’s time to choose differently, my dear.
Choose to be present. Choose to be positive. Choose to forgive yourself and others. Choose to see new possibilities. Choose to go through life being optimistic.
Remember, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill
Love you always.