Paintings are beautiful works of art. The painter is presented with a plain canvas and he/she transforms it into an art piece with or without hidden meanings. While there are paintings that are easy to understand and captivating, there are others that are controversial because of their unresolved mysteries.
Let us take a look at some of them in the latter category:
1. The creation of Adam- Michelangelo
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo as the name implies is about when God created human life, as described in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. However, the painting holds another meaning. It is said that the shape of the drapery and angels surrounding God in this painting resembles that of a human brain and some have interpreted this to mean that God in this painting bestows Adam with the gift of intellect.
2. The Last Supper- Leonard Da Vinci
This painting generated a lot of controversy. According to an Italian musician in 2007, he claimed to have found musical notes in the painting. These notes are hidden in the bread rolls and hands of the apostles and when played, result in a 40-second musical composition.
3. Bill Clinton’s portrait by Nelson Shanks
An American artist John Nelson Shanks made a portrait of former U.S President Bill Clinton in 2006. At first glance, this painting is just a portrait of the former president standing beside a mantel in the Oval Office. However, the painting included a shadow from a lady’s dress – the same stained blue dress of Monica Lewinsky that symbolised Clinton’s sex scandal during the 1990s.
4. The Madonna with Saint Giovannino by Domenico Ghirlandaio
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino, is another controversial painting. It was painted in the 15th century by Italian Renaissance artist Domenico Ghirlandaio, and it shows Mary from the Bible praying over baby Jesus. However, on closer look, there is a distinctly recognisable shape of a UFO, with a man in the background shielding his eyes to gaze up at it. It is said that at the time this painting was done, this little addition was based on the belief in the existence of aliens.