“I think I should quit”
“I can’t take anymore”
If you have said this or you excuse yourself to the restroom to cry out while working, it is most likely you have a toxic workplace. It is not easy working in a toxic workplace, as this can drain you totally and make you dread going to work. However, there are 5 rules to help you get by in a toxic work environment:
1. Establish boundaries
Some people have difficulty in saying ‘No’ that they accept everything thrown at them. Learning to say no can be really difficult but in the long run, it is the key to thriving in the workplace. You should set boundaries at the workplace e.g. taking your lunch break, not coming in early or staying late, and not working on the weekends or from home when you are off. It could also mean not responding to your boss at all hours of the day. Boundaries are not only healthy for you, but also for the people you work with. Take care of yourself first without being selfish, your job can come second.
2. Create a positive workspace
Aside from the positive energy you need to bring to the workplace, you need to transfer it to your workspace. You can hang wallpapers that are relaxing for you. If you put up pictures of people you love where you are having a great time that would not be a bad idea. Posting positive quotes as your desktop background or around your space is another way to positively transform your workspace. Do what you need to do to keep yourself happy and motivated.
3. Open outlets for stress relief at work
Since quitting tomorrow is probably not an option, try to find some way to give yourself a break once in a while so that you can resurge and recharge. You can plan on going for lunch with a friend or going for a walk around the building. Even a 5-minute meditation daily would cause no harm. Read a quote book. Whatever it is that helps you destress, try incorporating that into your workday even if only for a few minutes.
4. Don’t take your work with you home
If you have already identified your work environment as toxic, why would you welcome that energy into your aboard? Leave the negative energy wherever it belongs, don’t carry it all about. You should protect your happy space. Do this by setting a rule for yourself that you don’t talk about work in your home. Make sure you do not check your email after you get home for the evening. If your mind starts to think about work while at home, go distract yourself with something else.
5. Begin searching for a new job
If you have tried all the above rules but to no avail, dust your CV and start sending new applications because it is time to begin searching for a new job.