Nobody is responsible for your career. It is not in the hands of your organisation, colleagues or even your manager. Career growth is your sole responsibility that is why deliberate steps and actions must be taken to get desired outcomes.
Below are 9 things to do to improve your career:
1. Set small goals
Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. Instead of setting very big goals that are unrealistic for the timeframe, break them down into actionable small goals. In the long run, they would add up and give you the desired career breakthrough.
2. Stretch yourself
Move out of your comfort zone. Greater things happen when you stretch yourself. Go beyond your area of expertise. Be daring. For example, if you have phobia for public speaking, it is time to start signing up for presentations at work or networking events.
3. Get feedback
Every now and then, do some self-assessment. While it is important, ensure you get feedback for the work you do. Ask questions like:
- “What really worked for you?”
- “What would make it even better if?”
There is so much to learn about your work product and performance from these questions.
4. Curate your work
Do you have a journal where you document your big and small achievements so far this year? This is an activity to take up if you don’t. Having a great portfolio of work you have produced and are proud of helps builds up your CV as you go. It is something to refer to boost your self-esteem.
5. Be curious about your industry
In this case, curiosity does not kill the cat. Those who stay hungry for more growth go far in their career. Develop thoughtful insights about the industry and your company. Never be shy about sharing those insights. Study your industry and company. Connect with likeminded people in your space. Ask your manager and colleagues questions. Also ask your company’s customers how they feel.
6. Read
Readers are leaders. Spend time reading blogs, books about your profession and business books that stretch your thinking. Reading new things is a conversation starter when networking. Reading also open one to new ways to do things and life hacks to make life run smoothly.
7. Network brilliantly
Use LinkedIn to your advantage. Personalize the message and tell the recipient what you have in common, and how you would like to help them. Be more strategic during networking sessions. Go for industry and local events and meet as many people as you can. This would help you more active in your industry.
8. Get mentors and mentor
Mentors serve as a guide. They have been on the road you have not travelled yet. Ask them for career tips and feedbacks. You can also reciprocate by mentoring another. Mentoring is a good way to stretch.
9. Listen
Even if you are really happy in your current role, it never hurts to listen to other opportunities and build relationships with new people in the industry. Lastly, always be open to new opportunities and new connections with people.