My beloved daughter,
In life, do not spend a lot of time believing you can read other people’s minds or that they can read yours. This notion can cause
problems. Honest, simple communication is the best way to maintain healthy relationships.
I emphasise again – try not to read minds. It just complicates relationships! And accepting the other person as they are is also very
important! We often expect the opposite person to behave or say things in a certain way, fitting into our preconceived notions. It is
necessary to remember that individuals are different and come from different backgrounds, and who they are now has been shaped by
situations and events which are quite different from yours, so their thinking about a certain situation may or may not align to yours.
Trust your own judgment. Go with your gut. Trust people until they give you a reason not to. If you feel uncomfortable with something,
trust your feelings and say what’s on your mind. If you’re feeling insecure about a situation, say what’s on your mind.
Try to avoid getting into the temptation to read minds and arriving at conclusions in haste. Try and have an open mind as you go into a
relationship be it personal or business, and make your decisions on facts as presented or seen in each given situation.
So my darling, don’t let preconceived notions colour your relationships.
Go with the flow and make up your mind rationally about the relationships.
Love always.
By Charles Anyiam-Osigwe