Bad breath aka Halitosis, which leaves an unpleasant odour or taste in the mouth, is common among men. This is as a result of food particles, allergies, poor dental hygiene, health complications, dry mouth, oral infections and medications.
If proper oral hygiene does not get rid of bad breath, see a dentist or doctor for a diagnosis when the bad breath is accompanied by persistent dry mouth, sores in the mouth, pain or difficulty with chewing or swallowing, broken teeth or dental pain, white spots on the tonsils, and/or fever or fatigue.
Here are home remedies to combat bad breath:
- Brush and floss teeth regularly. Remember to also brush the tongue to remove bacteria from its surface. Brushing the tongue can help with bad breath caused by foods a person has eaten.
- See a dentist regularly for checkups and to ensure dentures or braces are properly fitted and cleaned
- Stop smoking or using chewing tobacco.
- Take sugarless gum and sugar-free candy can also keep the mouth from drying out.
- Keep the mouth moist by drinking water and chewing sugarless gum or sugar-free hard candy to stimulate the production of saliva. Eat a diet of foods that need to be thoroughly chewed to keep saliva flowing. Foods that require a lot of chewing, such as apples or carrots, are good options.
- A good mouthwash can help kill bad breath causing bacteria and may temporarily mask bad breath odours.