Dry skin, also called xerosis, is skin that lacks moisture in its outer layer. If left untreated, dry skin can crack and become infected. Keeping dry skin moisturized is important especially as harmattan is back. Your best bet is to use a moisturizer and apply it liberally to damp skin after a bath and let it soak in. There are a variety of home remedies a person can use to relieve dry skin. They include:
1. Sunflower seed oil
Research shows that sunflower seed oil improves hydration when used as a moisturizer on participant’s arms. It was also discovered that olive oil actually damaged the skin’s barrier, suggesting not all natural oils are suitable for use as moisturizers.
2. Coconut oil
Another natural oil that works well to treat dry skin is coconut oil. Coconut oil has been found to be safe and effective as petroleum jelly for treating dry skin. It was found to significantly improve skin hydration and increase the number of lipids (fats) on the surface of the skin.
3. Oatmeal bath
Oatmeal is another natural ingredient that can help treat dry skin. Adding powdered oatmeal to a bath or using creams that contain oatmeal may help to relieve dry skin. It was found that extracts from oatmeal had anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, suggesting it can help treat dry skin.
4. Milk
Milk could also offer relief from dry skin, but not when applied to the skin. It was discovered that a diet including milk could improve dry skin. The fat contained in milk, called phospholipid, improves the skin barrier and makes the skin better looking.
5. Petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly, otherwise known as mineral oil, has been used as a moisturizer for years. A study showed that the skin barrier in older people improved after they used petroleum jelly. This finding supports the use of petroleum jelly to treat dry skin, especially when caused by aging.